Try Harder

Try harder. How often have you heard that expression? At home, school, work, on TV or radio. It is as common as it can be . Yet when you think of it, what does it mean? Trying is not doing. Yoda said it best: “there is no try, there is only do”. Think of a…

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Words to strike terror into the heart of a manager. Non-performance. Probably not grounds for termination and at the same time, you know that their heart isn’t in the job. You may have discovered that ignoring it in the hope it will get better is not working. Quick comments seem to have no effect. So…

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Change – it’s a word that can send shivers down the spine and yet it is the one unrelenting constant in our lives. We grow up, we age, we change jobs, get married, have children…the list is endless. Yet we often resist change by simple sabotage. Do you believe you are open to change? Here…

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Welcome to Orca!

Hi, welcome to the first ORCA blog, first in a series at that. What is ORCA? ORCA is a company committed to achieving results, assisting others through change and transition and ultimately having fun in the process. Though the process appears simple at the same time it offers deep results. Whether you are looking for:…

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