
PREPARATION Over the last couple of blogs we have looked at the issues of procrastination and perfectionism, this week we are going to review preparation? What does that mean? It means that before you make those New Year’s resolutions you need to do a bit of preparation. Did you know that the top three resolutions…

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Perfect, perfection. Those are words that carry a lot of power. They are also an expression of the unattainable. Even if we can achieve perfection for one brief moment, it doesn’t last. And perfection-the striving for it, can really slow you down. While you are working to be perfect you are probably not getting much…

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Some Day One Day Never

Do these comments sound familiar? Some day I would like to see the pyramids in Egypt. One day we will make our financial goals. For most of us, these types of vague aspirations hang around at the back of our minds, popping up to distract us when they are most intrusive- usually when we have…

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