Shiny Things

I was at a meeting with a group of women last night. We got talking about our mutual hobby and one of the women was saying she had finished 30 projects in the last year. I was impressed and said ” wow, you must almost be done” Her reply was: “No, I still have almost…

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Yes or No

I read a post by Seth Godin last week on the importance of saying Yes. Yes to opportunities and change. It’s hard to disagree with that.Yet saying No can be empowering and freeing, so let’s talk about that. It’s half an hour before the end of the day and a colleague wants you to complete…

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Who measures SUCCESS?

And perhaps that title should be, how do You measure success? There are a lot of books, blogs and speakers out there all defining success as mostly a material thing. You measure your success by your car, your home your toys and your clothes. There are an equal number of writers and speakers who decry…

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It seems wherever you look these days someone is writing about gratitude, and the inference is that if you feel gratitude all good things will come your way. Want a new car, feel grateful. Need a new home, feel grateful. The list is endless and too often the part that is missing is the work…

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Happy New Year and welcome 2013. For me, 2012 was not as wonderful as I had hoped so I am looking forward to 2013. Part of that looking forward is clearing my desk of old projects, post its, scrap pieces of paper and all the other debris that floats around a desk. I am also…

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