What Stops You?

What stops you? This is a question I often ask my clients. What stops you from changing jobs, leaving a bad relationship, writing that book? There’s always a reason, sometimes a whole truckload of them: what if the new job doesn’t work out, what if I can’t find another love, what if the book doesn’t…

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What other people say

On the road today and thought I would share with you some comments I received from a group I worked with. There were about 30 participants and we spent half a day together. Recently, Lynne Brown (Orca Consulting) facilitated a visioning workshop for the Embroiderers’ Association of Canada.  Lynne led us, a diverse group, through…

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Little Steps-Make Changes

In changing our lives we are often tempted to do it all and do it all at once. I have a friend who decided to quit smoking, give up white flour and sugar. She was a woman who suffered from panic attacks and in the week after starting her new regime she was having at…

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Well that got your attention didn’t it? We all have fears,even the people who deny them. We may have fears about, money, health, death, the end of a relationship, business failure, job loss. The list is endless and the number of books that are written on this topic are almost as endless. So, what can…

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