Spring Cleaning That Clutter

It’s spring in all its glory where I live. The snowdrops and crocus are fading as the daffodils and tulips begin to raise their pretty heads. There is more light and with the change to daylight savings that light lasts longer into the evening. Unfortunately the downside of all that light is taking a good…

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Disconnect that Smart Phone

In August 2008 I got a smart phone. It changed my life. If I was watching TV and a topic was discussed I could look up more on my phone. I could play games -lots of games. I could check out Apps -even more apps than games. I could pick up my work email. First…

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E-mail calling

While I was watching curling the other night I had my laptop on my knee and was working through my email. I was astonished to discover over my three accounts I had close to 600 emails to review. Granted most of them were subscriptions to other sites, newsletters etc and that number was still ridiculous.…

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