One day happened

Awhile ago I wrote about someday, one day, never. Well, this week my one day happened. My partner and I were away from home and had called back to check on my elderly mother in law (with whom we live). She did not answer and after dozens of calls, we had the neighbour go and…

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When you sit down at your desk in the morning and turn on your computer what is the first thing you do? Check your e-mail? If so, you are like hundreds maybe thousands of us. Email is a truly amazing thing and it often is the biggest thief of time and productivity that exists. You…

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Words – A Challenge

Words define us. The words we say out loud or in our heads define our reality. If we use words that constrict our choices: don’t, can’t, won’t, then it is likely that indeed we don’t, we can’t or we won’t. Yet those kind of negative and minimizing words are generally part of most people’s every…

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Years ago I won a speech contest which started:”Questions, questions, questions ” At that time I did not realize how truly important questions were. It seems to me that as a society we are encouraged not to ask questions. For example, on TV these days there is a commercial saying that the residents of BC…

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