Starters and Finishers

There are lots of ways we use to categorize people in our world. We consider gender, age, size, ethnicity, ability and a host of others, yet there is a category that is not often verbalized. That category is the Starters and the Finishers. What are Starters and Finishers? Well, this is a way of looking…

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Procrastination – its one of those words we often don’t want to hear, especially applied to ourselves. I have never met anyone who doesn’t procrastinate. Now given that I have not met even 1% of the people on the planet, it is more than likely that there are people out there who don’t procrastinate. But…

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Responding to Change

Mac did not have a good day on Monday. He is used to being the boss of the house when it comes to dogs. On Monday, we had company and that included three new dogs into his world. He welcomed the people, but the dogs, not so much. Poor Mac, these dogs did not take…

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