Wild and Precious Life

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver, New and Selected Poems I love that quote, it makes me want to get up and dance. As we all know, life is not as easy as we would like it to be. There are obstacles and…

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After yesterday’s post about perfection masking fear, I checked out the inspirational message app I use only to find this quote: “More than anything, fear blinds, and only by stepping without hesitation into the next inch of the unknown can we build confidence in the life we are about to live.” by Mark Nepo (The…

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Perfection – Unmasked

There is a tag line from one of the automakers that goes like this “The relentless pursuit of perfection”, which in automotive design and production is a pretty good idea. In life, not so much. Perfection also known as perfectionism has been my constant companion for as long as I can remember. In fact, I…

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Life Without Compromises

Recently I heard a motivational speaker extolling the virtues of a “Life Without Compromise”! Which got me thinking, what is a life without compromise? If it is getting up every morning and taking charge of your day, being responsible for your choices and working to do your best (even on the days when you’d rather…

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Blogging Challenge

About three weeks ago in a fit of optimism, I signed up for a 31 day blogging challenge. At the time it seemed easy and doable – today reality bites. This commitment means I have to write and post a blog for every single day of October. Oh holy crow! So, what possessed me to…

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