Journal Writing – Being Blocked

Writing in your journal is like any other writing because you can get blocked. Either you can’t motivate yourself to put pen to paper or when you do nothing comes. You tap your pen, you doodle, you stare into space and not one word gets written. Then you get frustrated and its downhill from there.…

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Journal Writing – Resources

This is the last blog in the series. It’s been fun to write and share information on something I have been doing since Grade 8, which was some time ago. Following is a list of books I have read, worked through and kept in my library. “One To One Self Understanding Through Journaling” by Christina…

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Journal Writing – Techniques

There are so many choices and techniques for writing in a journal that I am not sure where to start. The technique most people are familiar with is what I call the brain dump or free writing. It is a case of picking up pen or putting hands to keyboard and just letting everything on…

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Journal Writing- Privacy and The Rules

For many people the thought of someone else reading their private journal is enough to freeze them up and stop all writing. There are several solutions to this dilemma. There is the one my friend uses which is a written disclaimer on the first page of her journal. It says: “This is a private journal.…

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Journal Writing – The Options

There are so many types and styles of journals that it is almost impossible to describe them all, so this post will just highlight a few of the  options that are out there. The journal most people trend to think of is the daily journal. Which by its very name seems to set up an…

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Journal Writing – The Tools

Of all the hobbies and things we do, I think journal writing requires the least investment in tools and toys. Which is not to say that you can’t spend a boatload of money if you put your mind to it. So today we will explore the various types of journals and assess their merits. The…

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For most of us learning is a lifelong adventure. From learning to walk and talk as children to pursuing our work and career, we are on a constant learning trajectory. As we get older, that learning often slows down. For me, the saddest words I hear are “I’m too old to learn that”. Really? Unless…

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