Purple hair. Yes, purple hair not purple rain. So why a post about purple hair? Well, let me tell you a story. Some years ago, one of the staff walked in Monday morning, sporting a sharp, new curly bob. Not remarkable in itself, except that the Friday before she had long, long straight…

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What Shall I write #2

  What shall I write, the second edition. This blog considers other types of journal writing you may want to consider, in addition to the ones in the previous post. First, dream journals. Many people record their dreams looking for recurring images or messages from their unconscious. It’s another way of keeping track of your…

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What Shall I Write?

What shall I write? It’s the cry of writers everywhere. Write whatever you want. As I mentioned in a previous post, what to write can be a real struggle for journal writers. So this post is about the various types of journals and what you could include in them. For many of us, the first…

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