5 Day, 5 Senses Challenge

Welcome to day 1 of the 5 day, 5 senses challenge. Why this challenge? Well, it came about from a drive I took recently.  I was coming home from the airport after dropping my partner off and when I got home I realized that I could not remember any of the trip. I drove through one of the most beautiful cities in North America, took a ferry ride and came up a coastal highway with a different view around every corner, and I had no memories of the drive.

Which got me thinking about how often many of us go through life on autopilot. Getting on with what is needed and somehow missing the sights and sounds of the day. Hence, the 5 day challenge. Each day will focus on a sense with a different set of questions to think about as the day goes by. Today we are focussed on sight.

The questions are:

What colour predominated in your day?

What provided an unexpected pop?

What did you notice that you normally ignore? Yes, you will know when you see it.

Since I knew that I’d want to report my sightings to you in this blog, I did the challenge yesterday.

So here are my answers.

Where I live the colour that predominates is green. Green in a variety of shades, hues  and tints. When I went off to the park I expected to see more green, and I did. Then I went around a corner and got the most unexpected pop of red.It was three maple trees with the most amazing bright red leaves. They practically shouted: “Take our picture!” So, I stopped and did just that.

red trees copy


And what I ignore is the green I wrote of earlier. Sunday, I really looked at the green and was truly amazed at the tones I saw. And what I reconfirmed for myself is that I am blessed to live in such a beautiful place.

Please comment on your experiences with this challenge – it’s more fun when more of us play.

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