5 Day 5 Senses Challenge – Hearing

Hi, here we are on day 2 of the 5 day challenge. Today we are considering hearing. Like sight it is something we often take for granted until something or someone reminds us of what we are hearing. My partner is hearing impaired and on a daily basis I am reminded of the gift of hearing I have. Her mother  used to complain that I heard too much as she was profoundly deaf and just could not remember what sound was like.

Recently, a good friend got much needed hearing aids and  her first email to us said “I can hear myself breathing!” Something I rarely if ever notice about myself as all that kind of sound is filtered out by my brain. So today here is the chance to pay attention to what you are hearing.

1. What sounds do you ignore?

2. What sound happened that caused you to suddenly pay attention?

3. What sound is most pleasing to you?

4. What sound were you expecting to hear and didn’t?

As for me, I tend to ignore most sounds of daily living such as my breathing, the sound of my jacket rubbing against itself or  the click of the keyboard as I write this blog.

Surprisingly there weren’t any sounds that suddenly caused me to pay attention.

Yesterday it wasn’t a sound I paid attention to it was the absence of it. You see my mother in law’s dog Mac is a barking boy. Yesterday he and his sidekick went to the groomer.It was so quiet in here that it was amazing.

The sound that I find most pleasing in nature is the sound of wanter, either rushing down a creek, cascading down a waterfall or lapping at the shore. If I go too long away from that sound I begin to feel a bit unbalanced. Its only recently that I have really realized that and now I am making a concentrated effort to get out to the seashore on a more regular basis.

I was expecting to hear the sound of construction from the sewer line installation and it didn’t happen. And I am not complaining about that.

So, how did yesterday go with your emphasis on sight? By the way, tomorrow will be the usual social media blog and we will continue with the challenge the day after.

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