5 Days 5 Senses -Taste

Well we are at day 4 of the challenge and today its all about taste. The explosion of sweetness as you bite into the first apple of fall; the salty crunch of bacon or popcorn, the slightly bitter taste of broccoli and the sourness of sour cherries. All those flavours make up the sense we know as taste.

Many of us have a favourite – mine has usually been sweet as in dark chocolate slowly melting in my mouth. My mom is all about the salt: potato chips, pretzels  and those sorts of treats. I actually have never met anyone who prefers sour or bitter and I am sure they are out there.

So, yesterday as I was acting as my own experiment for this blog I observed the following: cheese blintzes and bacon seemed to be the perfect combination of sweet and salt.  For the three of us, having that for lunch created a happy taste for our mouths.

Here are your questions to ponder:

1. Do you have a favourite flavour of the four: sweet, sour, bitter, salt?

2. Has that favourite changed as you get older?

3. What taste beings back the best memories?

4. What taste would you sooner live without?

Only one more day to come of our challenge, so enjoy the tastes of this day.

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