5 Days 5 Senses-Touch

Here we are at the end of the 5 day  5 senses challenge with touch as our last sense to be explored. Touch is an interesting one, cause if you think about it, we are constantly experiencing touch. If we are wearing clothing then our skin is in sensing those clothes.

If we are sitting in front of our computer then our fingers are touching the keyboard, our bottom is on a chair, our feet on the ground. As we walk, we are in touch with the earth, pavement or flooring. Touch permeates our lives and like so many of our senses is often ignored.

Then there is the other kind of touch, a hug from a friend, a cuddle with our lover, a handshake at at meeting. All forms of touch which we often take for granted. My experience of touch yesterday was that as I became more aware of touch I became more aware of my body and where I was in my s0urrundings. This  was a good thing as I was assisting my 98 year old mother in law to walk. When that is going on, I need to know where my feet are, what my balance is, because I am providing her with stability to move about.

Touch has the power to comfort, arouse or even provide pain. Like our other senses we may take it for granted until something causes us to pay attention. Stubbing your toe, hitting your head on the fridge as you stand up or having your dog demand  a pet are all ways that touch impact us. It is then that we become aware of our bodies and what we are feeling.

Here are today’s questions.

1. What is touching you right now?

2. What is a favourite touch?

3. Who gives the best hugs? Who steals energy form you when you hug? If you haven’t consciously thought of that one   pay attention to hugs you receive and ho you feel after.

4. What does touch mean to you?

Have a touching day.

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