
For most of us learning is a lifelong adventure. From learning to walk and talk as children to pursuing our work and career, we are on a constant learning trajectory. As we get older, that learning often slows down. For me, the saddest words I hear are “I’m too old to learn that”. Really? Unless you are suffering from some form of mental impairment, the chances are you can learn something new, you are just not willing to do so.

For the month of October, I pursued a 31 day blogging challenge. That meant showing up and writing, no matter if I was tired, frustrated or feeling too busy. I am so pleased that I did it and in the process I learned the following things:

1. That I did not run out of ideas. There are lots of things to write about. More things than I had originally thought of.file000175875802

2. That I could write close to 10,000 words in a month. This one blows me away. I have often contemplated writing a book and could never imagine I could write 10,000 words let alone the number needed for a book.

3. That other people would read and enjoy what I was writing.

4. That in the process I learned new skills on my computer, things I never thought I would need to know and now I do. And, as it turns out, I do need to know how to do those things.

5.  That the whole process could be fun! There have been days when I have done a little moan as I sat down at the keyboard. On the whole it really has been fun and since fun is one of my highest life values I am feeling pretty good about the process. Now I am taking a break for the weekend, Monday I will decide how much and how often I want to continue to blog. As always, I welcome your comments on this piece or any other.

So, what learning have you been putting off that you could start today?

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