Lynne Brown

Certified Life Coach. NLP Master Practitioner. Decision Expert.

Hi, I’m Lynne Brown, owner and Chief Decision Maker at Lynne Brown Coaching.

Lynne Brown Coaching is primarily intended to offer services to women in the area of decision – making.

Culturally and socially there are a host of pressures on women that often adversely impact their ability to make good decisions.

Many of us suffer from the “be nice” and “be kind” pressures.

Other pressures result from stepping outside of our comfort zone and it can be scary.  All of those things can create decision paralysis or a retreat to the familiar.

Each time we back away and constrain ourselves, its like losing a bit of ourselves, till we get to the point of not knowing who we are or what we want.

So, when was the last decision you made?

Did you brush your teeth this morning? Before or after you had breakfast? Did you make a conscious decision to do it? Or was it just the usual routine of getting ready for the day?  Before it all became habit, it was a conscious decision with a set of steps you had to learn.

This is true of many of the things we do in a day: saying yes when we’d rather say no, working at a job we hate because it pays the bills. Often we tell ourselves “oh, I didn’t have a choice.”  And that’s not true. We do have choices and we can change them by making another decision. What holds us back is the story we tell ourselves about the consequences.

Making good decisions based on fact and intuition can change our lives.

Over the years I’ve noticed that people are often hesitant to make decisions; whether its because they don’t have enough information, have too much information or are afraid of the consequences.

I can help you with that.

Experience & Qualifications

So, if you’ve read this far, you might be saying well what makes her qualified to help me?  So, here’s my quick bio for you.

Roles and positions I've held

  • Executive Director
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Team Trainer

As a leader and manager I spent much of my time coaching my staff to make good and timely decisions with the clear understanding of the consequences that would result.  I bring all those skills to my work with you.

Education and certifications

I am a certified Life Coach through the Canadian Coaching Federation.

I have been a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming for longer than I want to admit.

I've also received training in Leadership in Times of Change, Media Relations and Presentations and Values Based Policy Development.

I am a member of the International Association of Professional Life Coaches.

In 1992, I was awarded the Canada 125 medal for my work championing the rights of women and girls.

My Philosophy: choose your own yellow brick road

I believe each of us has the right to make the decisions and choices that will create the life we want. I think, if it’s at all possible, we should be enjoying life to its fullest. If we don’t make the choices for our lives then who will?

There’s a saying that if you don’t know where, you’re going than any direction will do.

I think, like, Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz we need to follow and chose our own yellow brick road. There will be obstacle, and there will friends and colleagues. And until we make the choice of the direction we are going we will end up right where we are.

We create the tapestry of our lives through the decisions we make. Sometimes the threads get tangled and that’s where I can help.

Please check out my Services page to see how I can assist you to have the life you want. Or contact me for a free 30 minute consultation.

Book Your Free 30 Minute Consultation

(an easy decision to make!)