Happy New Year and welcome 2013. For me, 2012 was not as wonderful as I had hoped so I am looking forward to 2013. Part of that looking forward is clearing my desk of old projects, post its, scrap pieces of paper and all the other debris that floats around a desk. I am also clearing out all the random thoughts and To Do’s that hang in my mind. I know that if all that is catching my attention I will not get the clean start I want for 2013.
So what is happening for you as you face this new year? Is your slate clean? Are there small items you can do that will move you forward with purpose and joy? I used to use the week between Christmas and New Years when the office was closed to wind down one year and get powered for the next. Maybe you can do a mini version of that by closing your door, hanging a do not disturb on your cubicle or even going out to a coffee shop or the library for a couple of hours.
Once you have that private time, make two lists: what needs to be finished and what needs to be started. You will feel an immense sense of relief when you get all of that out of your mind and on to paper or into your computer. Then set some priorities and you will be on your way to a shiny new 2013.

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