Posts by Lynne Brown
Who Needs A Life Coach?
Who needs a life coach? Well, the short answer is-you.
Read MoreFEAR
Fera comes in different ways into our lives. For some of us it can be the fear of poverty, of aging or being alone. For others it can be a physical fear of things such as heights, snakes or charging bears. The physical fears often have their basis in real life experience or the instinctive…
Read MoreSituational Integrity
What is situational integrity? Let’s face it, that’s a bit paradoxical. For most of us, either you have integrity or you don’t. So, what do I mean by situational integrity? I think the easiest way to illustrate it is through an example or two. I once…
Purple hair. Yes, purple hair not purple rain. So why a post about purple hair? Well, let me tell you a story. Some years ago, one of the staff walked in Monday morning, sporting a sharp, new curly bob. Not remarkable in itself, except that the Friday before she had long, long straight…
Read MoreWhat Shall I write #2
What shall I write, the second edition. This blog considers other types of journal writing you may want to consider, in addition to the ones in the previous post. First, dream journals. Many people record their dreams looking for recurring images or messages from their unconscious. It’s another way of keeping track of your…
Read MoreWhat Shall I Write?
What shall I write? It’s the cry of writers everywhere. Write whatever you want. As I mentioned in a previous post, what to write can be a real struggle for journal writers. So this post is about the various types of journals and what you could include in them. For many of us, the first…
Read MoreRULES!!!!
When you come to a crossroads in your life, it is much easier to make a good decision if you can look back and see how you got to this place.
Read MoreThinking about Journal Writing
There you are sitting in your favourite coffee stop and you look up from your book to see a woman in the corner. She is writing into a small book, stopping every now and then to gaze around and gather more thoughts. You wonder what she is doing? My guess, she is…
Read MoreVision for Your Future?
Do you have a vision for your future? If you do, how do you keep it in the forefront of your mind? Do you make list, create a vision board of do both? I can testify to the effectiveness of both these methods. In 2002, my partner and I made a list of everything…
Read MoreYear End – Paperwork
It’s the paperwork that makes the world go round. I know the song says it’s love, nah it’s paperwork. If you don’t have it in order you are in trouble. The first thing you need to have is a will. I know that most of us do not want to think about our own mortality…
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