Slow Down

“Slow down, you move too fast” is how “Feelin’ Groovy”,  a song by Simon and Garfunkel starts. As I sit here surrounded by the chaos of renovations I only wish I could slow down. Right now in my office, I have 20 bags of books to go into a bookcase that has not yet been…

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Stories We Live By

Yesterday I was writing about stories and how when we buy into them they may create problems in our lives. Today, I want to be really specific about a set of stories that can really push us off course. You have probably heard some version of them yourself. “That child will never amount to anything.”…

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“Once upon a time…” is how all good stories begin. After that, the hero or  heroine starts life in difficult circumstances and move on through challenges to arrive in a shining palace with untold wealth. That of course is not the story most of us are living or even want to live. Our stories more…

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Today’s blog is all about celebrating. There are so many things we can celebrate and how often do we? I am one of those people who lives with a mind set of constantly moving goal posts. As soon as I even come near achieving a goal, I reset it and in that process often forget…

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Over the last while I have been noticing a lot of conversations, mainly political, that start: ” I have no choice”. My first response is to say; “who took away your choice?” Which leads me to what may be closer to a rant than anything else. First, let’s start with the definition of choice from…

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I was driving to an early morning appointment this morning and most of the trip was made in the fog. Some of it very dense and some of it quite light. It made me think about how easy it is to walk around the world in a mental fog. We get up, perform the chores…

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When I started this blog my intent had been to be professional and offer useful coaching information. Over the last month as I have engaged in the 31 day blogging challenge I have found it more difficult to maintain the “professional” attitude. Perhaps, blogging demands a personal honesty, a need to show up that I…

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It’s Thanksgiving today and I am happy to know that we have a day reserved to be thankful. In the busyness of our lives it can be easy to take the good things for granted. Historically Thanksgiving wandered through several months before settling in October. The foods we take for granted such as turkey and…

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5 Days 5 Senses – Summary

For the last 5 days I have been writing about our 5 senses and setting a challenge for exploration. Yesterday was the last day and today it’s time to review what was learned. For me the big learning was the reminder that I am not just a talking head walking around on an ignored body.…

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5 Days 5 Senses-Touch

Here we are at the end of the 5 day  5 senses challenge with touch as our last sense to be explored. Touch is an interesting one, cause if you think about it, we are constantly experiencing touch. If we are wearing clothing then our skin is in sensing those clothes. If we are sitting…

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