By Lynne Brown | October 14, 2019

So how exactly does chaos enter into our lives? At the risk of being repetitive, it is usually the result of refusing to make decisions or making decisions to please others.


By Lynne Brown | August 30, 2019

Being perfect is hard work. Being perfect often stops us in our tracks. Case in point, I did not walk until I was 15 months old. One day my mother took me into a shoe store. I was outfitted with a pair of shoes and stood up and walked out of the store. Prior to…


By Lynne Brown | March 15, 2019

  Cancer: It is not a word that sparks joy and happiness in one’s heart. In the last 2 weeks  two people I know have just been diagnosed with cancer, which is what has prompted me to write this post. No, it will not be a post about how I survived cancer and I am…


By Lynne Brown | February 11, 2019

Monday, Monday. The start of the work week and often the start of the memes and the whines.  Poor old Monday just can’t catch a break. If you go onto social media I swear there is more complaining about Monday than any other day of the week. And I have to ask why? What did…


By Lynne Brown | February 6, 2019

    Voice, it’s kind of a strange title for blog and yet it’s something I’ve been thinking about for quite some time. For me, voice comes in different ways. There’s the voice that says “I love you”. The voice that  says”pick up your toys right now!” or the voice that says” yes” to your…

Turkey Time

By Lynne Brown | October 22, 2018

Ok, you may be asking what is Turkey Time? Well, I define Turkey Time as the period from the Canadian Thanksgiving to New Years. Clearly, it’s named for the meal most of us have at least once in this period of time. That period is when many religions and others celebrate their faith or their…

Toxic Relationships

By Lynne Brown | July 10, 2018

Just as volcanic explosions throw toxic material into the air, scattering it far and wide, toxic relationships send their nastiness  into  our lives and the lives of those around us. What is a toxic relationship? Physical and sexual abuse are often the first ones that come to mind. These forms of abuse are deeply injurious…


By Lynne Brown | June 22, 2018

 Privilege. It’s a loaded word these days, and means different things to different people. So, let’s start by defining privilege. There is the privilege of wealth. You may have worked for it or inherited it, yet wealth gives its owner privilege. It means freedom of choice in how you spend it and freedom of fear…


By Lynne Brown | June 11, 2018

  Fair warning this post is a rant! And this is what started it. In November of 2016, the US elected a man for President who was a: liar racist bigot and  full of homo hatred. A man who admitted to sexually assaulting women and at the same time he wanted to destroy their right…

What happens in a life coaching session?

By Lynne Brown | May 22, 2018

What happens in a life coaching session? Well, for sure it is a lot friendlier than the picture. And I just couldn’t resist this picture as I think folks may feel that life coaching is all about being yelled at. And when you watch some sports that’s what you see-a lot of yelling. Life coaching…