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Change – it’s a word that can send shivers down the spine and yet it is the one unrelenting constant in our lives. We grow up, we age, we change jobs, get married, have children…the list is endless. Yet we often resist change by simple sabotage.

Do you believe you are open to change? Here is a simple test to see how willing you are to change.
Fold your arms across your chest. Which hand is up, which is down? Now reverse them and sit like that for a minute or two. How comfortable was that? Do you want to go back to the way you normally sit?

How about getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth with the other hand? I’ll bet that makes you think.

Those are normal human reactions to change and that very resistance is why people seek out life coaches. They know that left to themselves they will quickly revert to the status quo.

For instance, I have a friend who just told me that she was going to walk her dog an extra block every time they went for a walk, which they do twice a day. I suggested she might want to walk an extra block every other time. There was a pause and she said: “Yes, that will work, cause I already am not doing what I said I would.” We will be checking in with one another to be sure she stays on track.

What keeps you on track?

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