Success Stories or Not

By Lynne Brown | August 21, 2013

For many of us it is common to talk to ourselves about what is going on in our world. From thoughts such as ” did I remember” or “I need to..” there often seems to be a constant background hum going on. I have noticed that for most successful people the comments and the stories…

Coaching – what is it?

By Lynne Brown | August 14, 2013

Sitting here staring at the screen,waiting for inspiration to strike and it occurred to me that perhaps I should write a bit about the coaching I do and the results you can expect. There are lots of coaches out there these days: sports coaches, business coaches, life coaches; the list seems endless. Given that in…

Social Media

By Lynne Brown | August 7, 2013

Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn – every where you turn someone is looking, writing on or referencing social media. Even our local newscast has a segment called “What”s trending now”. So, given that this appears to be the wave of right now, how do we navigate the rapids and whirlpools that make up our on line presence? Oh,…


By Lynne Brown | July 31, 2013

There’s a lot of talk out there about risk management, and the bottom line is risk is taking a chance, making change. Risk is what got us to where we are now and risk is what will move us forward. Yet in so many ways we have become a risk averse culture. Consider how many…

Time To Play

By Lynne Brown | July 24, 2013

It’s summer time here in our community. We have had an unprecedented amount of sun and it has induced a bad case of summer laziness. You know: sit on the deck, drink a cool one and let the day roll by. At this point my plan was to exhort you to finish up projects, make…

When Leadership Fails

By Lynne Brown | July 16, 2013

If you have been a follower of this blog you know that I often address the subject of leadership. Today I am going share with you a conversation I had friend last Friday. We were discussing leadership and how easy it is to do the wrong things. In particular we were analyzing the behaviour of…

More Delegation Tips

By Lynne Brown | July 11, 2013

Last week I wrote about delegation with some simple steps to follow to make it easier. I have had several comments from folks who readily identify the delegation issues created by others in their lives and not seeing where they had responsiblity. Well, I am here with some bad news. If you are on the…

Delegation: the how to

By Lynne Brown | July 3, 2013

Delegation is one of those words that comes up frequently and seems to have its own definition depending on who is saying it. The meaning of the word as defined by the free Merriam Dictionary is: :”the act of empowering to act for another” Now that’s about as clear as mud. In simple terms it…

Starters and Finishers

By Lynne Brown | June 29, 2013

There are lots of ways we use to categorize people in our world. We consider gender, age, size, ethnicity, ability and a host of others, yet there is a category that is not often verbalized. That category is the Starters and the Finishers. What are Starters and Finishers? Well, this is a way of looking…


By Lynne Brown | June 19, 2013

Procrastination – its one of those words we often don’t want to hear, especially applied to ourselves. I have never met anyone who doesn’t procrastinate. Now given that I have not met even 1% of the people on the planet, it is more than likely that there are people out there who don’t procrastinate. But…