Spring Cleaning That Clutter

By Lynne Brown | March 20, 2013

It’s spring in all its glory where I live. The snowdrops and crocus are fading as the daffodils and tulips begin to raise their pretty heads. There is more light and with the change to daylight savings that light lasts longer into the evening. Unfortunately the downside of all that light is taking a good…

Disconnect that Smart Phone

By Lynne Brown | March 13, 2013

In August 2008 I got a smart phone. It changed my life. If I was watching TV and a topic was discussed I could look up more on my phone. I could play games -lots of games. I could check out Apps -even more apps than games. I could pick up my work email. First…

E-mail calling

By Lynne Brown | March 6, 2013

While I was watching curling the other night I had my laptop on my knee and was working through my email. I was astonished to discover over my three accounts I had close to 600 emails to review. Granted most of them were subscriptions to other sites, newsletters etc and that number was still ridiculous.…

What Stops You?

By Lynne Brown | February 28, 2013

What stops you? This is a question I often ask my clients. What stops you from changing jobs, leaving a bad relationship, writing that book? There’s always a reason, sometimes a whole truckload of them: what if the new job doesn’t work out, what if I can’t find another love, what if the book doesn’t…

What other people say

By Lynne Brown | February 20, 2013

On the road today and thought I would share with you some comments I received from a group I worked with. There were about 30 participants and we spent half a day together. Recently, Lynne Brown (Orca Consulting) facilitated a visioning workshop for the Embroiderers’ Association of Canada.  Lynne led us, a diverse group, through…

Little Steps-Make Changes

By Lynne Brown | February 13, 2013

In changing our lives we are often tempted to do it all and do it all at once. I have a friend who decided to quit smoking, give up white flour and sugar. She was a woman who suffered from panic attacks and in the week after starting her new regime she was having at…


By Lynne Brown | February 6, 2013

Well that got your attention didn’t it? We all have fears,even the people who deny them. We may have fears about, money, health, death, the end of a relationship, business failure, job loss. The list is endless and the number of books that are written on this topic are almost as endless. So, what can…

Shiny Things

By Lynne Brown | January 31, 2013

I was at a meeting with a group of women last night. We got talking about our mutual hobby and one of the women was saying she had finished 30 projects in the last year. I was impressed and said ” wow, you must almost be done” Her reply was: “No, I still have almost…

Yes or No

By Lynne Brown | January 30, 2013

I read a post by Seth Godin last week on the importance of saying Yes. Yes to opportunities and change. It’s hard to disagree with that.Yet saying No can be empowering and freeing, so let’s talk about that. It’s half an hour before the end of the day and a colleague wants you to complete…

Who measures SUCCESS?

By Lynne Brown | January 17, 2013

And perhaps that title should be, how do You measure success? There are a lot of books, blogs and speakers out there all defining success as mostly a material thing. You measure your success by your car, your home your toys and your clothes. There are an equal number of writers and speakers who decry…