Blogging Challenge

About three weeks ago in a fit of optimism, I signed up for a 31 day blogging challenge. At the time it seemed easy and doable – today reality bites. This commitment means I have to write and post a blog for every single day of October. Oh holy crow!

So, what possessed me to do this? Well,I have been thinking for some time that I needed to raise the bar on my blog. Make it more interesting, post more often. You know, the stuff you say to yourself when you probably don’t mean to do it. By making this commitment and doing it publicly I am stuck. It actually is one of the techniques I use with clients. I ask them to make a firm declaration of intent and then come back and report in.

This month, you are all my coaches as I work to fulfil my commitment. I can’t guarantee that these will be long posts or even Pulitzer Prize material. They will be there and I will do my best with them.

Just for information, I will be continuing my social media series with my friend and colleague James Latour.

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