5 Day, 5 Senses Challenge

Welcome to day 1 of the 5 day, 5 senses challenge. Why this challenge? Well, it came about from a drive I took recently.  I was coming home from the airport after dropping my partner off and when I got home I realized that I could not remember any of the trip. I drove through…

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Upcoming Blogs

Hi, my friend James Latour and I have been having some pretty intense conversations about social media and their impact, both positive and negative. Over the next few weeks we will be sharing our blogs and offering our thoughts on this pressing issue. The topics we will cover are: Facebook, Twitter, LinkIn, email, texting and…

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Welcome to Orca!

Hi, welcome to the first ORCA blog, first in a series at that. What is ORCA? ORCA is a company committed to achieving results, assisting others through change and transition and ultimately having fun in the process. Though the process appears simple at the same time it offers deep results. Whether you are looking for:…

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