So how exactly does chaos enter into our lives? At the risk of being repetitive, it is usually the result of refusing to make decisions or making decisions to please others.

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Being perfect is hard work. Being perfect often stops us in our tracks. Case in point, I did not walk until I was 15 months old. One day my mother took me into a shoe store. I was outfitted with a pair of shoes and stood up and walked out of the store. Prior to…

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Turkey Time

Ok, you may be asking what is Turkey Time? Well, I define Turkey Time as the period from the Canadian Thanksgiving to New Years. Clearly, it’s named for the meal most of us have at least once in this period of time. That period is when many religions and others celebrate their faith or their…

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Toxic Relationships

Just as volcanic explosions throw toxic material into the air, scattering it far and wide, toxic relationships send their nastiness  into  our lives and the lives of those around us. What is a toxic relationship? Physical and sexual abuse are often the first ones that come to mind. These forms of abuse are deeply injurious…

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What happens in a life coaching session?

What happens in a life coaching session? Well, for sure it is a lot friendlier than the picture. And I just couldn’t resist this picture as I think folks may feel that life coaching is all about being yelled at. And when you watch some sports that’s what you see-a lot of yelling. Life coaching…

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Fera comes in different ways into our lives. For some of us it can be the fear of poverty, of aging or being alone. For others it can be a physical fear of things such as heights, snakes or charging bears. The physical fears often have their basis in real  life experience or the instinctive…

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Situational Integrity

                  What is situational integrity? Let’s face it, that’s a bit paradoxical. For most of us, either you have integrity or you don’t. So, what do I mean by situational integrity? I think the easiest way to illustrate it is through an example or two. I once…

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    Purple hair. Yes, purple hair not purple rain. So why a post about purple hair? Well, let me tell you a story. Some years ago, one of the staff walked in Monday morning, sporting a sharp, new curly bob. Not remarkable in itself, except that the Friday before she had long, long straight…

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What Shall I write #2

  What shall I write, the second edition. This blog considers other types of journal writing you may want to consider, in addition to the ones in the previous post. First, dream journals. Many people record their dreams looking for recurring images or messages from their unconscious. It’s another way of keeping track of your…

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