What Shall I Write?

What shall I write? It’s the cry of writers everywhere. Write whatever you want. As I mentioned in a previous post, what to write can be a real struggle for journal writers. So this post is about the various types of journals and what you could include in them. For many of us, the first…

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When you come to a crossroads in your life, it is much easier to make a good decision if you can look back and see how you got to this place.

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Thinking about Journal Writing

      There you are sitting in your favourite coffee stop and you look up from your book to see a woman in the corner. She is writing into a small book, stopping every now and then to gaze around and gather more thoughts. You wonder what she is doing? My guess, she is…

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Vision for Your Future?

Do you have a vision for your future? If you do, how do you keep it in the forefront of your mind?   Do you make list, create a vision board of do both? I can testify to the effectiveness of both these methods. In 2002, my partner and I made a list of everything…

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Year End – Paperwork

It’s the paperwork that makes the world go round. I know the song says it’s love, nah it’s paperwork. If you don’t have it in order you are in trouble. The first thing you need to have is a will. I know that most of us do not want to think about our own mortality…

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Year End – The Beginning

Here we are, it’s the last month of the year. Time to review and plan. I’m aways surprised at how often people set New Year’s resolutions and never take time to review what happened and what didn’t happen in the current year. Given that it’s difficult to make new plans if you don’t know where…

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Let’s Talk: about words

  Let’s talk about words. Words? Yes, words. Why? Because words are the core of our existence. We use words to communicate with others and to communicate with ourselves.   When we look at a clock, it is likely we are saying the time to ourselves. When we look at our baby peacefully sleeping, it…

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You know what I mean, resistance. Sometimes, I feel like I’m facing the Borg and hearing “Resistance is futile” It is true, yet it happens and when you have a big decision to make, resisting doing it can seem like a good idea. Now, we know it’s not, and that’s the beauty of resistance, it makes bad ideas look good.

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Stuck often happens to us when there is a decision to make. Do I do this or that, go or stay, say yes or no or maybe? Then comes the internal dialogue and it’s probably not going to be useful. I find when I get stuck the more I obsess about the issue, the more obsessing I do. Over time I’ve learned techniques to clear my mind and help me make a decision.

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Year End – Family

Family. What to say about family and the year end? Indeed how do you define who your family is? For some of us it is mom, dad and kids, or 2 dads and kids or 2 moms and kids. Or even just a couple with no kids. However you define family there are questions worth…

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