Still Here

This is my first post under my new business name of Lynne Brown Coaching and it follows upon a number of posts I wrote under the name of Orca Coaching. What changed? How did I make the decision to rebrand myself and why did I make the decision?

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When I started this blog my intent had been to be professional and offer useful coaching information. Over the last month as I have engaged in the 31 day blogging challenge I have found it more difficult to maintain the “professional” attitude. Perhaps, blogging demands a personal honesty, a need to show up that I…

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Welcome to Orca!

Hi, welcome to the first ORCA blog, first in a series at that. What is ORCA? ORCA is a company committed to achieving results, assisting others through change and transition and ultimately having fun in the process. Though the process appears simple at the same time it offers deep results. Whether you are looking for:…

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