Year End – Paperwork

It’s the paperwork that makes the world go round. I know the song says it’s love, nah it’s paperwork. If you don’t have it in order you are in trouble. The first thing you need to have is a will. I know that most of us do not want to think about our own mortality…

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Year End – Family

Family. What to say about family and the year end? Indeed how do you define who your family is? For some of us it is mom, dad and kids, or 2 dads and kids or 2 moms and kids. Or even just a couple with no kids. However you define family there are questions worth…

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Year End – Work

It’s year end and we are looking at work – love it or hate it, work is usually a big part of our lives. Unless you are independently wealthy, chances are you work to earn a living. It is work which pays for your necessities and maybe a couple of extras. When I think of…

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