
Today’s blog is all about celebrating. There are so many things we can celebrate and how often do we? I am one of those people who lives with a mind set of constantly moving goal posts. As soon as I even come near achieving a goal, I reset it and in that process often forget to celebrate what I have done.  I am learning that taking time to acknowledge accomplishments is a good way to energize myself to continue to move forward

And then there are those other kinds of celebrations: birthdays, anniversaries, promotions etc. They are all worth celebrating too. Today we are celebrating my mother’s 85th birthday! That’s a pretty big deal. She was born before the stock market crash, the Great Depression, WWII and a host of other world changing events. She is a woman who lead the way for other women and I am immensely proud of her.

When we celebrate we acknowledge accomplishments or commitments. We are offering praise and love and in this world of hurry, hurry, a short pause to celebrate is a good thing to do. I encourage you to find something to celebrate today and someone to share it with.


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