Coaching – what is it?

Sitting here staring at the screen,waiting for inspiration to strike and it occurred to me that perhaps I should write a bit about the coaching I do and the results you can expect. There are lots of coaches out there these days: sports coaches, business coaches, life coaches; the list seems endless. Given that in all the cases except sports coaches the industry is largely unregulated it is a good idea to know something about your coach and their background.

For example, in my small hometown one of the hairdressers set herself up as a coach and began giving out advice. She did not have any sort of training in medicine or nutrition and yet was freely coaching her clients in both areas. Truly a case of buyer beware. Unfortunately, this meant others in the field looked a bit suspect. Ultimately her practice closed and we all felt a sense of relief.

For me, coaching is about sharing skills and knowledge that will enable you, the client, to make better choices in your life and work toward achieving your dreams. Coaching helps to move you from “stuck” to “free” and is an invaluable resource. Sometimes, you will complete your coaching and then in six months later something will happen to throw you off track. A quick touch up phone call may be all that is necessary to refocus you.

One of the confusions some people feel is the difference between coaching and counselling. Counselling is therapy. It helps you delve into the root causes of certain behaviours and actions. it generally starts with a look at your past with a view to using the insights gained to change your future.

Coaching is focused on what you are doing now, is it serving you and if not, how do you develop the skills to change it? If your issues present as requiring therapy a responsible coach will advise you to seek that help. Generally, people seek coaches when they are in a place of frustration or even feel overwhelmed. Those feelings can come from a variety of factors either in your personal life or at work. Regardless a commitment to coaching can and will make a difference if you are willing to do the work.

I work from the perspective that you really do know what to do to create a better life for yourself, all you need is someone to assist you in remembering and committing to that “better”. You are the expert in your life, my job is to be your ally, not your boss nor your spouse and not your parent. Ours is a relationship of equals looking to create the life you desire.Your results will be directly proportionate to the work you put into it. I welcome the opportunity to work with you.

PS: My qualifications to be your coach are shown on my website or you can check my endorsements on LinkedIn

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