Disconnect that Smart Phone

In August 2008 I got a smart phone. It changed my life. If I was watching TV and a topic was discussed I could look up more on my phone. I could play games -lots of games. I could check out Apps -even more apps than games.

I could pick up my work email. First thing in the morning when I got up and last thing before I went to bed. Gradually and under the radar the division between work and home began to blur. I always had a reason and my tolerant partner put up with this increasingly obsessed behaviour.

Then I changed jobs and didn’t have the same need to be constantly checking. It felt weird. What was I supposed to do with all this time? How was I to manage ? I had to get a life. Huge shock . I wasn’t even sure what that meant if it didn’t revolve around my phone.

Now a year into my new work and life I am enjoying it. And driving home from a meeting today I saw a billboard with a sign that said “Unplug and Play” It was developed by our local Success by 6 Co-ordinator to promote parents to interact with their children not their electronic devices.

So here’s my question to you: how much are your electronic toys disconnecting you from the people you love?


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