It seems wherever you look these days someone is writing about gratitude, and the inference is that if you feel gratitude all good things will come your way. Want a new car, feel grateful. Need a new home, feel grateful. The list is endless and too often the part that is missing is the work you need to do. It is not enough to feel grateful, you also need to work for what you want.

I am not suggesting for one minute that you should not be grateful for what you receive. Offering real gratitude, saying thank you and being authentic in doing it will bring good things to you. They may not be material, may just be the good feeling you get from being grateful. We all want to be acknowledged for what and who we are. A sincere thank you for a small action goes a long way to make another feel good.

And at the end of the day, isn’t that really what gratitude is about? Offering thanks for what we receive, giving thanks to those who give.

So, are you saying to yourself, why is she writing on this topic? Well, too often I hear people say words such as: “I have been feeling grateful and I still don’t have…” So, I want to break that cause and effect. Gratitude is a feeling you have for what you have in your life. Getting stuff comes about as a result of your actions in your life. Sitting back and waiting for magic to appear is a sure way to get nothing. You need to make a plan, set out the steps and move forward. At the end of the day, gratitude still means work and the good feelings that come from that cannot be underestimated.

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