Welcome to Orca!

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Hi, welcome to the first ORCA blog, first in a series at that.
What is ORCA? ORCA is a company committed to achieving results, assisting others through change and transition and ultimately having fun in the process.
Though the process appears simple at the same time it offers deep results. Whether you are looking for: life coaching for yourself, assistance with an underperforming employee or your company needs a boost, Orca can help you.
As well as my own skills as a coach, trainer and consultant, I have a number of other associates who can be brought in to complement and enhance the work being done.
Since this is the first in a series, you need to know that the blog will be updated weekly on Wednesdays and on occasion there will be additional postings. I am looking forward to seeing you back to check in…next week’s blog is all about change.

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