Journal Writing – Being Blocked

Writing in your journal is like any other writing because you can get blocked. Either you can’t motivate yourself to put pen to paper or when you do nothing comes. You tap your pen, you doodle, you stare into space and not one word gets written. Then you get frustrated and its downhill from there.

I have been going through a patch of that in the last few days. On Sunday I attended the memorial for my friend Daphne. We met at a hotel, had nibbles and reminisced about her. We all had a story to tell and I think she would have been very touched by what was said. Although I was moved by what I heard it made me sad. I have lost my best friend and the person I want to tell that to is the person who is gone. So, no writing for me. Just thinking of picking up a pen meant confirming that she was dead and I didn’t want to do that. goodbye

This is one of those times when my journal will not hold the story, it will only hold the resolution. As my partner has said on numerous occasions” I don’t write my problems, only my solutions.” I know that writing will make it better and it will also make it real. Sometimes  reality sucks! This is one of those times.

When this blocking happens the temptation is to beat myself up. I have learned that doing so will only cement the block in place. So for right now, I am just acknowledging this place of pain and being kind to myself.

If you are going through a painful place in your life and writing isn’t working, cut yourself some slack, it will come back.



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