Life Without Compromises

Recently I heard a motivational speaker extolling the virtues of a “Life Without Compromise”! Which got me thinking, what is a life without compromise? If it is getting up every morning and taking charge of your day, being responsible for your choices and working to do your best (even on the days when you’d rather stay in bed with the covers over your head); then sign me up.

On the other hand if it means that you are unwilling to compromise on the details of life, if your attitude is “my way or the highway” you may not have a lot of friends and I am betting your family wishes you would just grow up. Life is about compromise. I dislike both cooking and cleaning. My partner likes to cook, I like to eat what has been prepared and my compromise is kitchen clean up. If they ever invent a self cleaning kitchen I will be first in line to buy it.

Compromise is what makes the world go around, you give a little, you get a little. (Someone should tell politicians that) Holding firm to a viewpoint for no other reason than you want your own way is worthy of a two year old not an adult. In most situations, compromise, seeking to see the other side serves us well.

The only time compromise is not in order is when what is being suggested runs totally counter to your values and would cause you to be outside of your own integrity. In my world there is no compromise or turning a blind eye to abuse, bullying, racism, violence and exploitation of girls and women or homo-hatred. I won’t listen to it, I won’t support and I will speak out about it. That is my line in concrete, no sand here. However, in most of my daily interactions, compromise works. How is it working in yours?

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