Little Steps-Make Changes

In changing our lives we are often tempted to do it all and do it all at once. I have a friend who decided to quit smoking, give up white flour and sugar. She was a woman who suffered from panic attacks and in the week after starting her new regime she was having at least one attack a day. In desperation she went to her Doctor to see what could be done.

He questioned her carefully and shook his head. “Of course you are having panic attacks,” he said, “just make one change at a time”. So she gave up the sugar and resumed white flour and smoking. Over time she was able to drop the other two behaviours and is now healthy, happy and mostly free of panic attacks.

So the point of this? Making dramatic changes can set you up for failure . After all, how many of your New Year’s resolutions are you still maintaining?

Make one change, small or large. Get up early for a walk. Stop eating after 8 PM. Watch less TV. Little steps can make profound changes. So, what are your little steps going to be?

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