Monday, Monday. The start of the work week and often the start of the memes and the whines.  Poor old Monday just can’t catch a break.

If you go onto social media I swear there is more complaining about Monday than any other day of the week. And I have to ask why?

What did Monday ever do to deserve all this whinging and complaining?

Granted, it is generally the start of the work week and it seems for lots of folks that is reason enough to hate Monday.

But really the issue isn’t Monday, the issue is folks hate their jobs and don’t make the effort or know how to change things.

 To change the attitude to work, means putting in the work to make the change.

It would be easy to say that the folks who are complaining are the ones stuck in dead end jobs, minimum wage with poor bosses. But that’s painting a broad brush which is not always accurate.

Years ago I worked for the federal government. The pay and benefits were ok, yet I hated that job with a passion.  I kept hating and whining until I was transferred  a worksite I enjoyed.

Then one day the  boss from a previous worksite came by and said he thought I should be transferred back to his area. I loathed that man and there was no way I was willing to go back.

So, I finally did the thing I’d been putting off, I applied for another job.

I was successful and moved to a different government department. I was much happier and felt I was being well treated. Level of Monday whining went way down.

As for the “dead end Jobs”, I listened to a young woman who worked at one of those jobs. She was in the fast food industry and she loved it. Her employer treated her well and she was being offered the opportunity for more training, responsibility and a better position. So, it’s easy to dismiss those jobs and yet they provide employment and opportunity. For her, Monday was a good thing.

Over time I’ve discovered what I whine about most is the thing I need to pay attention to.

This could be true for you too. Whining is our mind’s way of making us pay attention. Once we do that, we can make the change.

So, give Monday a break, it doesn’t deserve the abuse it takes.


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