More Delegation Tips

Last week I wrote about delegation with some simple steps to follow to make it easier. I have had several comments from folks who readily identify the delegation issues created by others in their lives and not seeing where they had responsiblity.

Well, I am here with some bad news. If you are on the receiving end of poorly delegated tasks it is your responsibility to seek clarity. Most often bosses are busy and just looking for the quick fix. You know the story: ” do this and get back to me if you have any problems.” Then they disappear into an endless round of meetings, usually out of the office. So it is imperative that as the recipient of that directive you push your boss to stop and answer questions. Follow up with emails outlining what you think the task is and what the timelines are. That way if the whole thing goes sideways you won’t be the only one carrying the can. I know that sounds like a bad case of CYA (cover your ass).  However, I have watched people crash and burn from doing what they think they were supposed to, and it turning out to be the wrong work.

And the bad news for bosses, you are responsible for clarity in directions and expectations of staff. That hoary chestnut “assume makes an ass of you and me” is all too true. An extra ten minutes at the start can save you hours of fixing at the end. I know it sounds like I am beating this to death and I also know from personal experience that delegation only works when both parties are clear on what is being delegated.

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