One day happened

Awhile ago I wrote about someday, one day, never. Well, this week my one day happened. My partner and I were away from home and had called back to check on my elderly mother in law (with whom we live). She did not answer and after dozens of calls, we had the neighbour go and check. Well there she was. on the floor in the basement, where she had been for hours.

We cancelled plans and made a mad dash for home (two ferries) and  she was in the hospital. Doing well and expected to return home in the next week.

So why did I call this blog  One Day Happened? Well, my partner and I had been saying, one day soon we are going to have to start travelling separately and one of us will always need to be at home. One day happened this week and now our life is changing and that’s ok. However,  the whole series of events just reminded me of why we need to pay attention to those “One Day” things.

So may I suggest you have s serious think about your one day list and take some action now. You will be better prepared for the future and of course have a positive sense of accomplishment.

P.S. That is why this blog is one day late, I wasn’t prepared for one day.


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