
Perfect, perfection. Those are words that carry a lot of power. They are also an expression of the unattainable. Even if we can achieve perfection for one brief moment, it doesn’t last. And perfection-the striving for it, can really slow you down. While you are working to be perfect you are probably not getting much product. In my life, perfection hides behind the guise of “doing it right”. So here I am, two days late for posting my blog because I want it to be “right”.
In fact, in looking back at my first few blogs I can see where perfection has gotten in the way of my writing. In my efforts to conform to my Grade 8 teacher’s rules of writing, i have stifled my own voice. No more, from here on these blogs will be about the things I think matter, the issues we need to face to create the life of our dreams. Perfection is often the fuel of procrastination. While striving for that we don’t produce. It is better to produce than to stew. So what piece of being perfect will you give up this week? I am giving up perfect (and boring blogs).

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