

Fair warning this post is a rant!

And this is what started it.

In November of 2016, the US elected a man for President who was a:




and  full of homo hatred.

A man who admitted to sexually assaulting women and at the same time he wanted to destroy their right to chose.

He regularly cheated on his various wives.

He told lies and laughed or denied them if he was caught.

A man who has numerous law suits pending against him now and in his past.

Hardly a man who had the characteristics of a good leader.

Fast foward to June, 2018 and the election of the Premier for Ontario.

The voters elected a man who:

is a bully

hates immigrants ( read: people of colour)

who has numerous law suits against him

who wants to control a woman’s right to chose

has a background in drugs

hates to LBGTQ community

and tells lies.

This man is also on record as saying he admires the US President and thinks he is doing a good job.

Hardly a man who has the characteristics of a good leader.

Since that November election, many of us Canadians have been feeling rather smug about our leaders when we compare them to the US President.

Now, we have to admit that the same dog whistle politics that elected Trump have been successfully at play here.

Ontario is the first province to fall and it may not be the last.

Ford  was elected by 40% of the voters so not even close to majority. However, our first past the past system gave him the win. Trump did not have the popular vote and the College of Electors still gave him the Presidency.

In both instances we have voters making decision based on emotion and lies. Voters who in some cases, did not take the time to educate themselves on the truth and the choices they were making. Now, the whole of each country has to live with those consequences.

Voting is a responsibility. It is our job to make the best choice for our province or country. By choosing to believe the lies we are abdicating that responsibility and there will be consequences. Are we ready for them,?.

I think not, and that has me deeply worried.

Voting is a decision that impacts farther that just us and our family. It impacts our community, our collective futures and our country.

So, at the next election, take the time to do your research to make the best decision for everyone.



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