
Last week I wrote on how each of us is a leader whether we recognize it or not. This week I am thinking about how good leaders take responsibility for their choices and actions. Unfortunately responsibility is one of those things that many avoid.

You are probably familiar with a cartoon in the paper called the Family Circus. The creator of that cartoon often shows a child firmly declaring “not me”. Indeed it seems that “not me” is responsible for broken vases and spilt water and a host of other problems. Because it is a child who is portrayed and because most of us have said “not me” the cartoon is funny.

Yet in our daily lives we see elected officials saying things like” “we had no choice” which neatly sidesteps the issue of responsibility. After all if you had no choice than how can you be responsible for whatever decision is made?

In fact, we are responsible for all of our decisions and actions -we may not like it and it is true. If we avoid, obfuscate and otherwise refuse to take responsibility the example we set for our employees, families and friends is a clear indicator of a lack of integrity.

Taking responsibility especially when we have messed up is hard. Still it beats the heck out of blaming and shaming others. And when you do admit your errors you build your credibility with those around you.

I know that given the choice of two employees for promotion I always chose the one who owned up to their decisions, not the one who was finger pointing at all comers.

So this week’s question where in your life are you avoiding responsibility?

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