Year End – The Beginning

Here we are, it’s the last month of the year. Time to review and plan. I’m aways surprised at how often people set New Year’s resolutions and never take time to review what happened and what didn’t happen in the current year.

Given that it’s difficult to make new plans if you don’t know where you are and where you’ve been, I will be suggesting a number of areas for  review.

Once the review is over plans for the new year will be easier to make.   For me, this year has been a year of challenges interspersed with bigger challenges so I am looking forward to a new year and a chance to write on a clean slate.

For most of us are  life can be divided into different categories. There’s work, family/friends/learning/recreation/spirit and who knows how many more? That part depends on you and what is important to you.

Fo each area there are questions you may want to consider.

  1. What did I do this year?
  2. Did I accomplish what I had planned?
  3. What set me off course?
  4. What supported me to stay on course?
  5. How do I feel about the year?

For example: this year my partner and I sold one house on the Sunshine Coast. We purchased another on Vancouver Island.  So far, so good. The house we purchased had no storage so although we moved in May we are still waiting for the last of the renovations to be completed. That part was definitely off course.

Additionally, my mom had a fall, broke her hip and 41 days later she died. That was hard and since then I’ve been drifting. Which is understandable, and sometimes in the drifting I lose track of what I’ve done and where I need to go.

So, as year end approaches I am looking at my life and making plans for the future.

Some of those plans are quite different than what I’d expected and really, life is about rolling with the punches.

I will have follow up posts to help you get a start for the next year. And if making those new year decisions is a problem I can help.

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