Decisions, decisions: why are they so hard to make?

Life is one decision after the next. And failing to decide? That's a decision too.

Not being able to make decisions leads to issues like these:

  • Procrastination
  • Impulse Buying
  • Feeling like life is getting away from you

These problems make your life more difficult and you end up feeling stuck or overwhelmed with what needs to be done in a short time frame.

The results can mean you miss out on opportunities, you can lose your job or fail a course. The people around you seem to be constantly on your case and you are often playing catch up.

How working with a coach can help - Kay's story

Kay had a habit of chasing shiny things. Every morning she had a different plan.

When we began working together she was feeling exhausted and depressed. She had no sense of direction nor of accomplishment. She felt stalled in her life. 

We started our work together by looking at her values and her dreams in order to find out what was truly important to her.

Kay was a successful engineer who was very skilled at her chosen profession - yet found that it wasn't soul satisfying. Her dream had been to graduate in music, but her family and friends convinced her that she’d be better off in another field. 

When she realized that this career wasn't what she really wanted, she made the life changing decision to transition into a new career.

Now, instead of chasing every shiny thing, Kay knows what she truly wants and is taking steps to get it. She enrolled in university and is making plans to leave her current job and step into a career in music.

She is feeling much happier and more fulfilled.

Learn how to make good decisions

With some coaching help and support, you can learn the skills you need to make decisions confidently.

I offer 2 programs:

Decision Making 101: constantly wavering back and forth? Chronically indecisive? This one is for you. Learn more: Decision Making 101

Life's BIG Decisions: generally good with decisions EXCEPT when the stakes are high? This one is for you. Learn more: Life's BIG Decisions

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"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Walt Disney