Shiny Things

I was at a meeting with a group of women last night. We got talking about our mutual hobby and one of the women was saying she had finished 30 projects in the last year. I was impressed and said ” wow, you must almost be done” Her reply was: “No, I still have almost 100”.
This conversation lead the group into a discussion of how easy it was to work on a project and then see something new, get distracted and not finish the original project.
It’s kind of like being a magpie, constantly in search of the next shiny thing and never completing anything. The pursuit of shiny things: new software, smart phones, computers and a host of other things allows us to procrastinate and avoid what needs to be done.
My shiny thing is the pursuit of apps for my smart phone which are supposed to make me more effective. As far as I can tell, they have made no difference at all. So I have sworn off the new and shiny and am determined to make what I have work.
So, what shiny thing is distracting you from competing a project? How will you change that? Let me know, I am interested to hear from you.

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