Some Day One Day Never

Do these comments sound familiar? Some day I would like to see the pyramids in Egypt. One day we will make our financial goals.
For most of us, these types of vague aspirations hang around at the back of our minds, popping up to distract us when they are most intrusive- usually when we have something challenging to do and we don’t want to do it.
So here’s a quick suggestion to help you deal with these amorphous goals. Create a list of all the vague and ill-defined goals/dreams. Review it to see if any of them truly resonate with you. Pull those out onto a list you can review 3-4 times a year. Dump the rest.
The next time one of those dreams floats by, remind yourself it is on the list and then quit using it to avoid what needs to be done right now.
Sometimes these goals are part of our procrastination habit. We use them to distract and to give ourselves excuses for not performing. At that point you need to consider the consequences of non performance: will your boss fire you, will you miss an important dead line for a concert you want to attend, or does it really not matter? if it one of the first two, then you need to make a decision to perform and if it is the drive to be perfect- we will look at that next week.