Spring Cleaning That Clutter

It’s spring in all its glory where I live. The snowdrops and crocus are fading as the daffodils and tulips begin to raise their pretty heads. There is more light and with the change to daylight savings that light lasts longer into the evening. Unfortunately the downside of all that light is taking a good look at where I work. Ouch.

Time for some spring cleaning in the office. Clearing off all that paper clutter, actually putting stuff into files rather than piles, going through my project list and seeing what is outstanding…

I have often thought that it would make more sense to have the New Year begin in the spring rather than in the dead of winter. With all that dark I have trouble getting motivated and staying motivated. Once the light comes I am more inclined to get at the stuff that has been hanging around.

Spring is a good time to look at those New Year resolutions. Are you maintaining any of them? Statistics show the vast majority of us don’t manage to keep our resolutions past the end of January. So, if you are still on track, take a moment to congratulate yourself. If you are not, now is a good time to decide what really is important  and deserves your attention and energy.

For me the sure road to failure is the Really big list and the sense that no matter what I do I will never get to the end of the list. So now, I do have that Really big list and I pull out 2-3 things that are achievable within in a limited time frame. Then when they are done I can cross them off and move on. I find small wins are more motivating to me and then I am more likely to keep going.

Spring is also the time of year that many of the worlds religions celebrate some form of rebirth. Perhaps you can consider birthing some small and achievable changes which will improve your work and your life.



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