Stories We Live By

Yesterday I was writing about stories and how when we buy into them they may create problems in our lives. Today, I want to be really specific about a set of stories that can really push us off course.

You have probably heard some version of them yourself.

“That child will never amount to anything.”

Why can’t you be more like your sister?”

“She is not living up to her potential.”

“You are not artistic.”

“If you were really creative, you would have done (fill in the blank) by now.”

“Too bad, your brother got all the smarts.”

The list is endless and the effects can be devastatingmaze. Unwittingly we can carry these remarks around inside us and they pop up when they are least expected. For me, they are like a maze, I stop attempting something new because I absolutely know that I can’t do it, because I can’t find my way out of the negative thinking. In fact, it was to refute that “You are not creative” thinking that caused me to start the 31 day blogging challenge. I was quite sure I couldn’t do it and yet I really wanted to. So here I am at day 21, and so far I have managed to find enough ideas to write about and I am close to having written 5,775 words. Who knew? If you had asked me in September can you write 5000 words, I’d have fallen to the ground in hysterical laughter.

I am guessing that one of the negative comments above may resonate with you. If so, may I encourage you to just make an attempt to do that one thing you believe you can’t. I guarantee you will be surprised by the results. I know you can do it!


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