What Shall I write #2

  What shall I write, the second edition. This blog considers other types of journal writing you may want to consider, in addition to the ones in the previous post. First, dream journals. Many people record their dreams looking for recurring images or messages from their unconscious. It’s another way of keeping track of your…

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Thinking about Journal Writing

      There you are sitting in your favourite coffee stop and you look up from your book to see a woman in the corner. She is writing into a small book, stopping every now and then to gaze around and gather more thoughts. You wonder what she is doing? My guess, she is…

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Journal Writing – Techniques

There are so many choices and techniques for writing in a journal that I am not sure where to start. The technique most people are familiar with is what I call the brain dump or free writing. It is a case of picking up pen or putting hands to keyboard and just letting everything on…

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